Looking into passed regrets is a painful exercise. In this post I'll share with you the 3-Quick-Steps that I used to heal from that pain.
Through this work I discovered an outstanding regret. 10 years ago I procrastinated on an opportunity and I missed out on an epic road-trip. And until now, I've never let it go.
After I discovered the regret the three steps to overcoming it were:
1. Have a personal dialogue and ask these questions
- How does regretting that trip make me feel?
- If I could change something about the past what would it be and why?
- What lessons have I learned from that missed opportunity?
2. Find a friend who followed through with a similar trip and ask them questions
- What were the highlights and lowlights about doing the trip?
- What valuable lessons did you learn?
- Is there anything that you recommend I do to get over my regret?
3. Create a symbolic act to let it go
In my case I took a note down to the closest pier. I lit the note on fire and I watched as the red ambers floated away in the wind.
In the end I'll say that this process was very emotionally satisfying, and I was able to turn a regret into a life lesson.
Now, instead of looking back on that moment with sadness. Instead, I look to that moment and think about what I learned and how I can apply that to my situation moving forwards.
That's it.
With that process I was able to overcome regret caused by procrastination.
Do you have a regret that you'd like to heal from? Something that you'd rather turn into a life lesson?
I hope you are feeling lighter now by letting go of your regret. I think when we cultivate self -love we can forgive ourselves. Very helpful and thank you for making videos. I love videos made by you, Tim. They are so authentic and engaging.
Thanks for the kind words Jenny. I tend to create content that includes a lot of my personal story. Sometimes I question if it’s the right approach to take.