Building a Brand from Scratch (Live + Sharing Everything That Happens)

Abhi Chand
May 10, 2023

I was thinking about what would be the most fun thing I could do and the most beneficial for you as well.

If you are a creator or entrepreneur, you are going to love the next few weeks.


Because I’m gonna test out the exact strategies I've shared with you in my blog posts so far.

AND… I’m putting everything I’ve learned from Shane on how to build a brand from scratch to the ultimate test!

My Hypothesis:
What I’m Aiming to Accomplish

My hypothesis is that I can replicate Shane’s success with his Quit by Healing channel on TikTok.

If you don’t know, Shane built a brand from scratch to 160,000+ followers on TikTok in a couple months last year.

Shane's QuitbyHealing channel on TikTok

Obviously, there were signs of instant success.

Signs like:

  1. Videos getting hundreds and thousands of views
  2. Videos getting hundreds of thousands of views
  3. Videos going viral and getting millions of views!
  4. Tons of comments and engagement, etc.

I am going attempt to replicate this success.

And I am going to share the entire process, and everything that happens, with you.

Are you excited? 🙂

At the very least, you will learn what’s working right now and what’s NOT working right now for building a brand from scratch.

Also, just want to point out, the type of brand I’m going to build is going to be audience-based.

Meaning: I will be creating videos to build an audience as well as a brand.

Does that sound good?


Let’s begin.

Step 1: Pick a Niche / Topic

I am using 2 channels to attempt this.

  1. Be a Strong Finisher (business oriented)
  2. Be a Better Man (masculinity oriented) 

Note: The "Be a Better Man" / Masculinity type channel doesn't exist yet.

My reasoning for picking these two is because these are two topics that I am very interested in.

Be a Strong Finisher is a personal brand that I started building this year.

I put out 30-35 videos on TikTok on it already…

…but none of them really took off!

That makes this channel a great candidate for our testing.

It would be like a channel tune-up, if you will.

Or how to save a dying channel lol.

Or, at least, how to turn around a channel that feels like it isn’t going anywhere.

Either way, should be fun!

My StrongFinisher channel... looking kinda sad 🤣

And the other channel (Be a Better Man) is going to be completely brand new.

I am literally going to create it next week, after Round 1 of testing (more on this later).

It will be interesting to see how to blow up a channel right from the start.

And to figure out if that even is possible!

I really don't see why it wouldn't be...

New channels and accounts are blowing up all the time.

No reason why I can't do it.

(some self motivation right there 😎)

So there we have it, step 1 is complete ☑️

Niche picked.

Topics selected.

Let’s move on to…

Step 2: What Videos Should I Create?

Behold: The Brainstorming Process in action 😂

Alright, now we’re in the meat and potatoes of it all.

This is the hard part for everyone.

Because we can be stuck on the content creation treadmill for a really long time before seeing any real success…

Or worse: not see any success at all!

Obviously, we don’t want that.

We want the exact opposite: to build a brand in the shortest and fastest way possible!

That’s why getting this step right is crucial.

Let’s think about this for a second…

Why are we creating our videos?

For ourselves?


To show off to our friends that we're making videos? 


To be a TikTok sensation?

lol no!

We’re creating videos to build a brand, right? 


And to build a brand, we need an audience?


So then who are we creating the videos for?

Our audience!

That means our videos must appeal to the audience we are trying to build…

And to appeal to this audience, my best guess is we should create videos they want to see.

Now the next question for me is:

How do we know what our audience wants to see?

Mirror Mirror on the wall... What does my audience really want to see?

We have to identify what our audience wants.

(What they really really want -- any Spice Girls fans? just me I guess 😠)

How do we do that…?

Well if you’ve been following my blogs over the last little while, then you know there are 3 ways of doing it.

  1. Figure out what catches your audience’s attention
  2. Customer Development Calls, and
  3. Ask your audience what they want

Since we are building an audience from literal scratch here…

…we can’t exactly ask them what they want.

So that option is out the window.

We could do customer development calls.

It would be simple.

I would have to find 10 people who fit my audience criteria.

Spend an hour with each of them on a call.

And understand their pain points and what they want.

This is doable.

But seems time-intensive.

Also, I don’t know where to find these people.

I could figure it out… but I don’t want to.

(I'm being lazy, I know 😔)

I’m going to pick option #1 and figure out what’s catching my audience’s attention.

Btw, just because I’m picking this option doesn’t mean it’s right or that it’s definitely going to work.

It’s just the most analytical, data-driven option of them all.

That’s why I’m picking it.

I love data.

I love spreadsheets.

And I love analyzing data in spreadsheets lol.

This option suits my personality the best.

So that’s what I’m going to use.

I will test a bunch of messages using Facebook Ads to see which ones catch our target audience’s attention.

The next natural question becomes:

What Messages do I Test?

This is probably the most fun part.

Because we have complete creative freedom here.

We basically need to come up with our best guess for what we think will resonate with our audience.

When we test these messages, our audience will tell us which messages they resonate with.

I usually pick a few different theme based messages to test.

For example:

  1. Theme 1: Problem-oriented
  2. Theme 2: Solution-oriented
  3. Theme 3: Celebrity-oriented

For problem-oriented messages, think questions like:

  1. What problems does my target audience face?
  2. What could be their biggest pain points?
  3. What problems would they want to get rid of?

I use these questions to guide my brainstorming session.

And I use similar questions for identifying solution-oriented messages.

Here’s an example of messages:

  • I don’t know what it means to be a good man. (Problem-oriented)
  • 3 Steps to being a good man in today’s world. (Solution-oriented)
  • Jordan Peterson’s 3 tips to being a good man in today’s world. (Celebrity-oriented)

You don’t need all 3 themes, you can pick the ones you like.

You could even add your own themes.

The combinations are literally infinite.

The truth is: We don’t know what will resonate with our audience.

We can only make our best guess at this stage…

...and then test to see how good our guess was.

You would be right to say that what I am doing is basically The Spaghetti approach.

Throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks lol.

But I like to think of it as:

The Scientific Method Applied to Brand Building

Science 🔬😎

Everything I've described to you is essentially the Empirical Method.

Aka The Scientific Method.

  • Step 1: Create hypothesis
  • Step 2: Test hypothesis
  • Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 until desired result is achieved.

This is what it means to have an experimentation-based approach.

It also makes it easy to keep the emotions out of the process.

The mindset we're going in with is: I’m going to try a bunch of things and see what works.

The outcomes (or the lack of outcomes) are not a representation of who we are, or our worth, as human beings.

If things work, great.

If they don't work, great.

Just need to find the iteration that does work.

We take the lessons forward and keep going.

And we have to be able to give ourselves the freedom to deem the experiment a failure as well.

Just like any science experiment.

We don't know if it's going to work... we just know that we're going to try it.

Next Steps

I am going to brainstorm a bunch of ideas for what messages to test…

…and then I am going to test them against an audience of Males in their 20s and 30s.

That’s my target audience.

My guess is this is a good audience for business-oriented and masculinity-oriented content.

Next week, I will report to you the results of my message testing.

The ideal scenario would be that we identify a message that catches attention like wildfire.

If not, then we either:

  1. Pick the next best message (the one that resonates the most), or
  2. We run another round of message testing to see what resonates with our audience.

These are really the only 2 options that I see.

I look forward to sharing the results of this experiment with you next week.



PS. What questions do you have about building a brand from scratch? 

I’m going to be spending the foreseeable future doing this, so I might as well be as helpful as possible to you.

Let me know down below 🙂

Abhi Chand

About the author

Abhi is super passionate about business and marketing. He loves hitting the gym and working out while also being a bit of a nerd. But the best thing he likes to do is help people win big!

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  • Nickalaus says:

    Excited to follow along man

  • I LOVE IT!!!
    I’m going to follow it step by step and even try to replicate as well… I’ll tell you about it.

    • Sweeet! Now I’m going to look forward to seeing your updates in the comments every week 😉

  • Exacy what I need right now, and would love to know size of market you are showing ads to and narrowing down Facebook’s many market options, like customers jobs etc

    • Sure. Will mention this next week. But for message testing, it’s usually broad audience with a size of 3-5M.

  • Karen McCamy says:

    Hi Abhi,

    This is very exciting & fascinating! Like watching over your shoulder throughout this process! Great concept!

    My first question is “why FB ads?” And I mean from an analytical perspective… I know they are supposed to have exceptional amounts of data “on everyone” so they have a reputation for providing “audience” stats… But I always thought that would be a budget breaker…

    I’d love to know more about using FB ads & if you think there are any close competitors to similar testing (Google Ads comes to mind…)

    Thanks for doing this & for your transparency! <3

    • Thank you for your kind words Karen! Glad you’re enjoying haha 🙂

      So I use FB Ads for 2 reasons:

      1. I know it really well lol and spent a lot of time (and money) learning it.
      And 2. Testing messages is actually very budget friendly. Usually $25-$30 to test 30 messages / headlines or so.

      It’s a testing method I learned from CRO. And I’ve used it a lot in the past.

      For the type of testing I do, I don’t know if there’s a good competitor where the targeting is that good. FB Ads’ interest-based targeting is REALLY good. Even after the whole iOS14 stuff, it’s still one of the best ad platforms out there.

      • Karen McCamy says:

        Thanks for the feedback, Abhi! Very surprised that testing FB ads is that low cost! :-O Wow!

        Q: What’s CRO?

        Yeah, you confirmed what I’ve read about FB ‘interest-based’ targeting. Glad to have that info confirmed!

      • Karen McCamy says:

        Thanks for the feedback, Abhi! Very surprised that testing FB ads is that low cost! :-O Wow!

        Q: What’s CRO?

        Yeah, you confirmed what I’ve read about FB ‘interest-based’ targeting. Glad to have that info confirmed! 🙂

  • Mikel Billstrom says:

    Love these experiments, Pat Flynn did them back in the day, but quickly got back to his “make money niche” because that’s where the big cake is at…. I’ll be following.

    • Thank you Mikel! “Big cake” haha. Well, to be fair, MMO is the purpose of building a brand. I was gonna do it on my own anyways, figured that people would be interested in the process as well.

  • says:

    Rooting for you! Subscribed to your tiktok to follow the growth.

    Question and wonderful request for future post would be:

    Where do you “brainstorm” your Posts Ideas (and those 3 categories you mentioned).
    Would be amazing if you could share/describe your sheets/notion system where you create the magic

    • Haha! Thank you Joeh!

      No system here to be honest. I just brainstorm in a notebook and then write things up in a Notion card in my Productivity Board (from F&A). Thank you for the follow 🙂

  • Karen McCamy says:

    I just re-read your article (first time was at 6:00 am California time…so I might not have been at my best! 😉 But…hey, I gave your email top priority! :-D)

    I just realized your “business-focused” channel has been on TikTok… 😮

    Personally, that’s the *last platform* I would choose for “business” so I’m wondering why you chose it… I would have thought YouTube to be a better match for business content… (I know it’s extremely crowded already :-/ ) Am I missing something here? My premise has always to match the “channel” to where the demographic actually frequents… Am I missing something?


    • Thank youuu!! 😀

      Yeah, the reason for TikTok is that it is currently the platform that pushes new creator’s content the most. In mature platforms, they make you grind it out for a while before you get any traction. TikTok doesn’t do that. That’s their competitive advantage. They’ve made their platform in a way that anyone can go viral. To do that, they test all the videos you upload. This is my understanding of it right now. So when you publish on TikTok, your video gets 200 impressions at least. If people don’t watch or like your video, that’s the number that the impressions stop at. So far the max I’ve got is around 750 on 3 videos. So I don’t know the next limit haha.

      But great question to ask! Thank your for asking.

      The main goal is this:

      Step 1: Build audience on TikTok
      Step 2: Leverage this audience to build a channel on YT
      Step 3: The usual capture email, etc.

      So eventually this will feed into a YT channel.

      • Karen McCamy says:

        Thanks for the clarification!

        This is fascinating info on TikTok’s “anyone can go viral” algorithm! I knew you had a reason and this is great info!

        Which, of course, generates more questions (eye roll)…

        TikTok is visually specific… For building a brand that is primarily for text-based content (usual Content Marketing) is there any remotely-similar alternative? Or…

        what variables could be changed in lieu of using TikTok (partially because MY demographic would NEVER go there! [gasp!] )

        Thanks! 🙂

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